Nis Windows

Belajar English TOEFL 4–Reduce Clauses

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Thursday, 23 October 2019

Skill 7 : Reduced Clauses
*hasil reduce kalau tidak Verb-Ing maka Verb 3
*throw away the connector –> sama hasil akhirnya dengan present partisiple
*setelah reduce hasil akhirnya hanya antara present partisiple atau past partisiple

- The American Water Spaniel is a sturdy, muscular dog, weighing about 11 to 20 Kg.  (INCORRECT)
Subject + Verb + ?additional information + Verb + ?preposition

kalimat di atas berasal dari 2 kalimat/clause di bawah :
1. The American water spanile is a sturdy, muscular dog.
     subject + verb + ?additional information
2. The American water spaniel weighs about 11 to 20 Kg.
     subject + verb + ?preposition

ketika dua kalimatnya dijadikan satu
- The American water spaniel is a sturdy, muscular dog which weighing about 11 to 20 Kg.Subject + Verb + ?additional information + Connector subject + Verb + ?Preposition
= S + V + C S + V

maka ada kata yang dibuang, menjadi seperti dibawah :
- The American water spaniel is a sturdy, muscular dog weighs about 11 to 20 Kg.
   Subject + Verb + ?additional information  + Verb + ?Preposition
= S + V + V

- The building(s) designed(v) by the famous architect become(v) a popular place to take pictures.
- Albert Facey, the author of the best selling A Fortunate Life(appositive/tambahan penjelasan dari sebject atau noun), worked on cattle stations.

- The woman(s) who(cs) is waving(v) to us is(v) the tour guide. = Complete Sentence
 = s + cs + v + v

- The letter(s) which(cs) was written(v) last week arrived(v) today.
 = s + cs + v+ v

- The pitcher(s) that(cs) is(v) on the table(prepositional phrase) is(v) full of iced tea.
  = s + cs + v + v

- The White House, which is located in Washington, is the home of the president
- The White House, located in Washington, is the home of the president
- Located in Washington, the White House is the home of the president

- The president, who is now preparing to give a speech, is meeting with his advisors.
- The president, now preparing to give a speech, is meeting with his advisors.
- Now preparing to give a speech, the president is meeting with his advisors.

soal pilihan ganda :
1.   _______ on several different television programs, the witness give conflicting accounts of what had happened.
a. He appeared ( S + V )
b. Who appeared ( S + V )
c. Appearing
d. Appears
penjelasan :
.   _______ on several different television programs, the witness give conflicting accounts of what had happened.
. diisi CSV  + ?preposition + Subject + Verb + ??? + ?preposition
* The witness who appears
* The witness who appearing

* who tidak bisa jadi connector jika berada di paling depan kalimat. jadi pilihan jawaban a dan b salah karena memiliki subject.

Soal :
1. we will have to return the merchandise purchased yesterday at the Broadway (CORRECT)
2. The children sat in the fancy restaurant found it difficult to behave (INCORRECT)
3. Serving a term of four years, the mayor of the town will face reelection next year (CORRECT)
4. The brand new Cadillac, purchasing less than two weeks ago, was destroyed in the accident (INCORRECT)
5. The fans who supporting their team always come out to the games in large numbers. (INCORRECT)
6. The suspect can be seen in the photographs were just released by the police (INCORRECT)
7. The food placing on the picnic table attracted a large number of flies. (INCORRECT)
8. Impressed with everything she had heard about the course, Marie signed her children up for it (CORRECT)
9. The passangers in the airport waiting room, heard the announcement of the canceled flight, groaned audibly. (INCORRECT)
10. Dissatisfied with the service at the restaurant, the meal really was not enjoyable (INCORRECT)

Although he is rather unwell, the speaker will take part in the seminar.
When you are ready, you can begin your speech
*although merupakan adverbial clause untuk mengunakannya subject dan verb harus dihilangkan

Although he feels rather sick, the speaker will take part in the seminar
Although feeling rather sick, the speaker will take part in the seminar

When you give your speech, you should speak loudly and distinctly
When giving your speech, you should speak loudly and distinctly

When _______ you are free to leave
a. the finished report (subject saja)
b. you are finished with the report ( subject + verb )
c. the report (subject saja)
d. is the report finished ( verb + subject )
penjelasan :
When _______ you are free to leave
Connector + Subject + Verb + Subject + Verb  + ??? + to infinitive
C + s + v + s + v
jadi kata kosong tersebut harus diisi subject dan verb maka yang benar adalah pilihan jawaban b

Soal :
1. if not completely satisfied, you can return the product to the manufacturer (CORRECT)

2. Steve has had to learn how to cook and clean since left home (INCORRECT)

3. The ointment can be applied where needed (CORRECT)
asal kalimat : The ointment can be applied, where It/The Ointment is needed

4. Tom began to look for a job after completing his master’s degree in engineering (CORRECT)
asal kalimat : Tom began to look for a job after He completed(completing) his master’s degree in engineering

5. Although not selecting for the team, he attends all of the games as a fan (INCORRECT)
asal kalimat : Although he is not selecting (selected) for the team, he attends all of the games as a fan

6. When purchased at this store, the buyer gets a guarantee on all items (INCORRECT)
asal kalimat : When The buyer purchased (purchasing) at this store, the buyer gets a guarantee on all items

7. The medicine is not effective unless taken as directed (CORRECT)
asal kalimat : The medicine is not effective unless the medicine taken as directed

8. You should negoitiate a lot before buy a new car (INCORRECT)
asal kalimat : You should negoitiate a lot before you buying a new car

9. Once purchased, the swimsuits cannot be returned (CORRECT)
asal kalimat : Once It is purchased, the swimsuits cannot be returned

10. Though located near the coast, the town does not get much of an ocean breeze (CORRECT)
asal kalimat : Though The town is located near the coast, the town does not get much of an ocean breeze

Hey you can call me Niswin. I born and live at Banjarmasin City, Kalimantan Selatan Province. I work at Province government. I am blogger and reviewer book. I also love cat. You can follow my instagram @niswindows_com and also my lifestyle blog

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