I will sign the check before you leave
S+ V + O + Adverb Connector+ S + V
Before you leave, I will sign the check
Adverb Connector+S + V+S+ V + O
Adverb Time and Clause Connectors
after as soon as once when as before since wherever as long as by the time until while |
as now that because since inasmuch as |
S V adverb connector S V
Teresa went inside because it was raining
bisa juga
adverb connector S V, S V
because it was raining, Teressa went inside
#contoh kalimat :
I + will leave + at 7:00 + if + I am ready
S + V + ?preposition/adverb? + connector +S + V
Although + I + was late, + I + managed +to catch the train
Connector + S + V + , + S + V + to infinitive
*to infinitive bukan verb, digunakan untuk purpose
1. you will get good grade on the exam provided ________________
a. studying
b. study
c. to study
d. you study (correct)
penjelasan ::
you will get good grade on the exam provided ______S V
S + V + ? + C + S + R
2. _________ was late, I missed the appointment
a. I
b. Because
c. The train
d. Since he (correct)
Penjelasan ::
_________ was late, I missed the appointment
V, + S + V + ?
berarti yang hilang adalah Subject dan Connector
pilihan a salah karena hanya subject
pilihan b salah karena hanya connector
pilihan c salah karena hanya subject
Adverb Time and Clause Connectors
Condition | Contrast | Manner | Place |
if in case provided providing unless whether |
although even though though while whereas |
as in that |
where wherever |
S V Adverb Connector S V
Bob went to school event though he felt sick
Adverb Connector S V, S V
Even though Bob felt sick, he went to school
Note : A comma is often used in the middle of the sentence with a contrast connector
The Smith family arrived at 2:00, while the jones familu arrived an hour later
SKILL 6 – Use Double Function Connector Correctly
1) The woman is filling the glass that is on the table
- The woman is filling the glass that is on the table
- Subject + Verb + Object + Connector dan Subject + Verb + Prepositional Phrase
- C + V + CS + V
- pejelasan : that bisa menjadi connector sekaligus subject
2) She bought a book which was written by her favorite author
- She bought a book which was written by her favorite author
- Subject + Verb + Object + Connector dan Subject + Verb + Prepositional Phrase
- S + V +CS + V
3) The book which was written by J. K. Rowling became best seller
- The book which was written by J. K. Rowling became best seller
- Subject + Connector dan Subject + Verb + Prepositional Phrase/ Object + Verb + ?
- S + CS + V + V
* Prepositional Phrase/ Object/adverb apa bedanya??
4) The man who wears glasses is very handsome
- The man who wears glasses is very handsome
- Subject + Connector dan Subject + Verb + Object + Verb + ?
- S + CS + V + V
5) __________ is on the table has four sections
a. The notebook
b. The notebook which
c. Because the notebook
d. In the note book
penjelasan ::
__________ is on the table has four sections
S + CS + V + Prepositional phrase + V + ?object
S + SC + V + V
maka yang dicari harus S + SC. c dan d salah karena didahului Connector sedangkan yang benar connectornya di kata kedua
merupakan connector yang berfungsi juga sebagai subject seperti :
who : for people
which : for things
that : for people or things
*subject connector atau konnektor subjek disebut juga Double Function connector karena bisa di gunakan untuk connector dan subject
Bentuk 1 :
She needs a secretary who types fast
S + V + ?object + adjective connector/subject + V + ?
S + V + CS + V
Bentuk 2 :
A Secretary who types fast is xxxxxxxx(lupa katanya is xxx apa)
S + adjective connector/subject + V + V + ?
S + CS + V + V
1. The ice cream that is served in the restaurant has a smooth, creamy texture (correct)
penjelasan :
The ice cream that is served in the restaurant has a smooth, creamy texture
Subject + adjective connector/subject + Verb + prepositional phrase + Verb + ?Object
S + CS + V + V merupakan bentuk 2
connector ada satu, subject ada dua, verb ada dua jadi sudah pas struktur kalimatnya maka dari itu jawabannya correct
2. The cars are trying to enter the freeway system are lined up for blocks (incorrect)
The cars are trying to enter the freeway system are lined up for blocks
Subject + Verb + ?? + ??object + Verb + Prepositional phrase
S + V + V merupakan bentuk 1 yang salah jadi seharusnya setelah verb ( are trying ) di ikuti oleh CS ( Connector Subject) baru verb
3. I have great respect for everyone who on the Dean’s Lisa (incorrect)
I have great respect for everyone who on the Dean’s Lisa
Subject + Verb + ?Object + Prepositional phrase + Connector Subject + Prepositional phrase
S + V + CS merupakan bentuk 1 yang salah seharusnya ada 2 verb sedangkan pada kalimat hanya ada 1 verb. jadi harusnya tambahkan tobe "is" yaitu .......who is on the Dean's Lisa
4. It is going to be very difficult to work with the man which just began working here (incorrect)
It is going to be very difficult to work with the man which just began working here
Subject + Verb + ? + to infinitive + prepositional phrase + Connector Subject + Verb + ?
S + V + CS + V merupakan bentuk 1 tapi seharusnya connector diatas bukan which, karena which untuk things sedangkan the man merupakan people maka harus menggunakan who untuk people
5. The door that leads to the vault it was tightly blocked (incorrect)
The door that leads to the vault it was tightly blocked
Subject + Connector Subject + Verb + ?? + Subject + Verb + ??
S + CS + V + S + V merupakan bentuk 2 tapi subjectnya ada 3 buah harusnya hanya 2 buah sama dengan verbnya
6. The neighbors + reported + that man + who + was trying + to break + into the car + to the police (correct)
Subject + Verb + Object + Connector Subject + Verb + ?to infinitive + ?preposition + ?to infinitive/object
S + V + CS + V menupakan bentuk 1 dan sudah benar
7. These plants + can only survive + in an environment + is extremely humid (incorrect)
S + V + preposition + V
S + V + V merupakan bentuk 1 tapi masih belum lengkap struktur kalimatnya kurang connector dan subject seharusnya jika lengkap struktrunya seperti ini : S + V + CS + V. maka bisa ditambahkan that atau which.
8. The boss + meets + with any production workers +who +
S + V + Preposition/object + Connector Subject + Subject + Verb + Object
S + V + CS + S + V merupakan bentuk 1 tetapi subjeknya seharusnya sesuai dengan verbnya yaitu sebanyak 2 saja, jadi seharusnya they nya dibuang
9. The salesclerk + ran + after + the woman + who + had left + her credit card + in the store (correct)
S + V + ?preposition + ?object + Connector Subject + Verb + Object + Preposition
S + V + CS + V merupakan bentuk 1 dan sudah pas struktur kalimatnya
10. The shoes + which + matched + the dress + that + was on sale (incorrect)
Subject + Connector Subject + Verb + Object + Connector Subject + Verb
S + CS + V + CS + V merupakan bentuk 2 yang salah seharusnya strukturnya S + CS + V + V sedangkan dalam kalimat diatas terlalu banyak connector. karena satu connector hanya bisa digunakan untuk 2 subjek dan 2 verb. jadi harusnya “that” dibuang saja atau bisa juga "which". bedanya jika yang tertinggal adalah the shoes which maka yang ditekankan adalah the shoes, dan jika yang tertinggal adalah the dress that maka yang ditekankan adalah the dress. karena connector menerangkan noun.
1. The president of the United States appoints the cabinet members. ________ appointments are subject to Senate approval
a. their
b. with their
c. because their
d. but their
penjelasan :
The president of the United States appoints the cabinet members. ________ appointments are subject to Senate approval
Subject + ?additional information + Verb + Object + _______ + Noun/subject + verb + ?object
S + V + _____ + N/S + V disini terlihat tidak terdapat connector.
pilihan jawaban a salah karena yang dikurang bukan subject
pilihan jawaban b salah karena with bukan lah connector melainkan prepositional
pilihan jawaban c salah karena because tidak cocok masuk dalam kalimat karena tidak contrast tidak seperti pilihan jawaban d
maka dari itu pilihan jawabannya adalah d
2. The prisioners were presented from speaking to reporters because ________
a. not wanting the story in the papers
b. the story in the papers the superintendent did not want
c. the public to hear the story
d. the superintendent did not want the story in the papers
penjelasan :
The prisioners + were presented + from speaking + to reporters + because + ___________
Subject + Verb + Preposition + to infinitive + Connector => S + V + C
merupakan bentuk ke 1 ( S + V + CS + V) akan tetapi masih kuran CS + V nya jadi kita perlu mencari pilihan jawaban yang memiliki subject dan verb.
pilihan jawaban c salah karena to hear bukanlah verb melainkan to infinitive
jadi pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah D
3. Like Thomas Berger’s fictional character Little Big Man, Lauderdale managed to find himself where _______ of important events took place.
a. it was an extraordinary number
b. there was an extraordinary number
c. an extraordinary number
d. an extraordinary number existed
penjelasan :
Like Thomas Berger’s fictional character Little Big Man, + Lauderdale + managed + to find himself + where + _______ of important events + took place.
additional information, + S + V + to infinitive + Connector subject + ____ + ?additional information + verb
S + V + C + _____+ V
pilihan jawaban a dan b salah karena terdapat verb was sendangkan yang dicari adalah subject/noun
pilihan jawaban d juga salah karena terdapat ver existed
jadi pilihan yang benar adalah C
4. ______ sucked groundwater from below some parts of the city have begun to sink as much as ten inches annually
a. Pumps have
b. As pumps have
c. So pumps have
d. with pumps
penjelasan :
______ + sucked + groundwater + from below, + some parts + of the city + have begun + to sink as much as ten inches annually
___ + v+ o + preposition, + s+ additional information+ v + to infinitive
V + S + V , stuktur ini seharusnya seperti bentuk ke 2 yang urutannya S + CS + V +V. jadi perlu mencari Subjek dan connector subject
pilihan jawaban a dan d salah karena tidak memiliki connector
pilihan jawaban c bukan lah connector karena so merupakan preposition
??? kurang ngerti kenapa jawabannya bisa connector di depan bukannya subject lebih dulu seperti bentuk 2
5. ______ have at least four hours of hazardous materials response training is mandated by federal law
a. All police officers
b. All police officers must
c. That all police officers
d. For all police officers
6. According to the hypothesis in the study, the monarchs pick up the magnetic field of the _______ migrate by following magnetic fields.
a. target monarchs
b. target since monarchs
c. target since monarchs are
d. target
7. _____ show the relations among neurons they do not preclude the possibility that other aspects are important
a. Neural theories
b. A neural theory
c. Although neural theories
d. However neural theories
8. ______ or refinanced(v) the tender(s) will generally reqnife setting up(v) an escrow account to ensure the payment of property taxes and homeowner’s insurance
a. a home is
b. a home is bought
c. when a home
d. when a home is bought
penjelasan : pada kalimat diatas terdapat ______ v + s + v jadi bagian yang kosong diisi dengan connector dan subject. pada pilihan diatas tidak ada connector double function seperti who, which dan that, jadi connector yang dicari ada tersendiri begitu pun dengan subject nya. setelah kata yang kosong terdapat kata "or refinanced" yang merupakan verb dan di ikuti oleh or maka tandanya ada keseimbangan kalimat sebelum kata or dan sesudah kata or. maka bisa dipilih antara jawaban b dan d. tetapi karena pilihan d saja yang memiliki konektor maka jawabannya d.
9. If ultraviolet radiation enters the earth’s atmosphere, _____ generally blocked by the ozone concentrated in the atmosphere.
a. it
b. it is
c. so it is
d. then it
10. The fact _____ the most important ratings period is about to begin has caused all the networks to shore up their schedules
a. is that
b. of
c. that
d. what
11. Dolphins form extremely complicated allegiances and _____ continually change
a. enmities that
b. that are enmities
c. enmities that are
d. that enmities
12. Scientiest are now beginning to conduct experiments on _______ trigger different sorts of health risks.
a. noise pollution can
b. that noise pollution
c. how noise pollution
d. how noise pollution can
13. The apollo 11 astronauts ______ of the Earth’s inhabitants witnessed on the fampus first moonwalk on July 20, 1969 were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
a. whom
b. whom millions
c. were some
d. whom some were
14. At the end of the nineteenth century, Alfred Binet developed a test for measuring intelligence ______ served as the basis of modern IQ tests.
a. has
b. it has
c. and
d. which has
15. In a 1998 advanced officers’ training program, Sampson developed a plan to incorporate police in enforcing environmental protection laws whenever ______ feasible
a. it is
b. is
c. has
d. it has
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